THE INSTALLATION OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT/IPAL BIOTECH IPAL BIOTECHnbsp; For Usage Usage0; size: 2500 x dia. t. 2750; 240-2702750 t. IPAL BIOTECH;ngki;emakaian /DAYSP;ran: she. 2500 x 2750 T.p; 1500-20004000 x dia. t. 4250000-5000OTECH septic tank, biotech, calculation of WASTEWATER TREATMENT INSTALLATIONS/IPAL BIOTECH septic tank, biotech, manufacturing WASTEWATER TREATMENT INSTALLATIONS/IPAL BIOTECH septic tank, biotech, biotech septic tank fabrication, tool/system wastewater treatment/septic tank biotech, biotech wastewater treatment installation, installation of liquid waste processing bitech, septic tank biological system brand biotech, handling liquid waste in particular household waste processing (domestIC waste) good black water (dirty water) or grey water (water), handling the issue of sanitation. THE INSTALLATION OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT/IPAL BIOTECH Biotech system capable of processing all the sewage from any kind of type buildings including: industrial, residential, hotels, malls, office buildings, hospitals, clinics, apartments, shops, Schools, workplaces, factories and other types of building type/other. immediately use the INSTALLATION of WASTEWATER TREATMENT/IPAL BIOTECH tok environment more clean, installation of WASTEWATER TREATMENT/IPAL BIOTECH more environmentally friendly. THE INSTALLATION OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT/IPAL BIOTECH help overcome water pollution/land making the environment cleaner and healthier. WASTE WATER TREATMENT INSTALLATION Excellence/IPAL BIOTECH : Does not require special care and do not require extensive land, will not happen the blockage, as well as the structure of the body is made of fiberglass and concrete resistant materials leaked The INSTALLATION of WASTEWATER TREATMENT/IPAL BIOTECH that we produce using double cell media system, and system pengandapan the mud with