STP Biotech RCO 6 is a bio septic tank equipped with a blower with a tank size of Dia. 1500 x P. 3500 mm and suitable for a description capacity of 30 people or 6 m3 / day, this STP process is very suitable for use in domestic waste treatment which mixes used water and dirty water in processing, besides, this STP is equipped with a blower so that The aeration process becomes more effective, the sludge or biomass that occurs from the decomposition process will be filtered in the sedimentation medium using a hexagonal honeycomb type made from FRP, then the water from the STP processing process enters the chlorination room, where the water is given chlorine before being discharged into the city channel to be free from bacteria, so the water that is disposed of is environmentally friendly water, Our STP is more environmentally friendly.